
Advanced email parser for Node.js. Everything is handled as a stream which should make it able to parse even very large messages (100MB+) with relatively low overhead.

The module exposes two separate modes, a lower level MailParser class and simpleParser function. The latter is simpler to use (hence the name) but is less resource efficient as it buffers attachment contents in memory.


npm install mailparser --save


simpleParser is the easiest way to parse emails. You only need to provide a message source to get a parsed email structure in return. As an additional bonus all embedded images in HTML (eg. the images that point to attachments using cid: URIs) are replaced with base64 encoded data URIs, so the message can be displayed without any additional processing. Be aware though that this module does not do any security cleansing (eg. removing javascript and so on), this is left to your own application.

const simpleParser = require('mailparser').simpleParser;
simpleParser(source, options, (err, parsed) => {});

See MailParser options list

or as a Promise:

simpleParser(source, options)
    .then(parsed => {})
    .catch(err => {});

or even with async..await:

let parsed = await simpleParser(source);


  • source is either a stream, a Buffer or a string that needs to be parsed
  • options is an optional options object
  • err is the possible error object
  • mail is a structured email object

mail object

Parsed mail* object has the following properties

  • headers – a Map object with lowercase header keys
  • subject is the subject line (also available from the header mail.headers.get(‘subject’))
  • from is an address object for the From: header
  • to is an address object for the To: header
  • cc is an address object for the Cc: header
  • bcc is an address object for the Bcc: header (usually not present)
  • date is a Date object for the Date: header
  • messageId is the Message-ID value string
  • inReplyTo is the In-Reply-To value string
  • reply-to is an address object for the Cc: header
  • references is an array of referenced Message-ID values
  • html is the HTML body of the message. If the message included embedded images as cid: urls then these are all replaced with base64 formatted data: URIs
  • text is the plaintext body of the message
  • textAsHtml is the plaintext body of the message formatted as HTML
  • attachments is an array of attachments

address object

Address objects have the following structure:

  • value an array with address details

    • name is the name part of the email/group
    • address is the email address
    • group is an array of grouped addresses
  • text is a formatted address string for plaintext context

  • html is a formatted address string for HTML context


    value: [
            address: '',
            name: 'Andris Reinman'
            address: '',
            name: ''
    html: '<span class="mp_address_name">Andris Reinman</span> <<a href="" class="mp_address_email"></a>>, <a href="" class="mp_address_email"></a>',
    text: 'Andris Reinman <>,'

headers Map

headers is a Map with lowercase header keys. So if you want to check for the Subject: header then you can do it like this:

if (mail.headers.has('subject')) {

The format of a header depends on the specific key. For most header keys the value is either a string (a single header) or an array of strings (multiple headers with the same key were found).

Special header keys are the following:

  1. All address headers are converted into address objects
  • from
  • to
  • cc
  • bcc
  • sender
  • reply-to
  • delivered-to
  • return-path
  1. All different priority headers are converted into priority with the following values:
  • ‘high’
  • ‘normal’
  • ‘low’
  1. references is a string if only a single reference-id exists or an array if multiple ids exist

  2. date value is a Date object

  3. The following headers are parsed into structured objects, where value property includes the main value as string and params property holds an object of additional arguments as key-value pairs

  • content-type
  • content-disposition
  • dkim-signature

Some headers are also automaticaly mime-word decoded

  • all address headers (name parts and punycode encoded domains are converted to unicode)
  • subject is converted to unicode

attachment object

Attachment objects have the following structure:

  • filename (if available) file name of the attachment
  • contentType MIME type of the message
  • contentDisposition content disposition type for the attachment, most probably “attachment”
  • checksum a MD5 hash of the message content
  • size message size in bytes
  • headers a Map value that holds MIME headers for the attachment node
  • content a Buffer that contains the attachment contents
  • contentId the header value from ‘Content-ID’ (if present)
  • cid contentId without < and >
  • related if true then this attachment should not be offered for download (at least not in the main attachments list)


MailParser is a lower-level email parsing class. It is a transform stream that takes email source as bytestream for the input and emits data objects for attachments and text contents.

const MailParser = require('mailparser').MailParser;
let parser = new MailParser();


  • skipHtmlToText boolean Don’t generate plaintext from HTML. Defaults to undefined (falsy).
  • maxHtmlLengthToParse number The maximum amount of HTML to parse in bytes. Defaults to undefined (Infinity).
  • formatDateString function Provide a custom formatting function. Defaults to undefined.
  • skipImageLinks boolean Skip converting CID attachments to data URL images. Defaults to undefined (falsy).
  • skipTextToHtml boolean Don’t generate HTML from plaintext message. Defaults to undefined (falsy).
  • skipTextLinks boolean Do not linkify links in plaintext content. Defaults to undefined (falsy).
  • keepDeliveryStatus boolean Do not consider attachments of type message/delivery-status as text but as a separate attachment. Useful for parsing delivery status notifications. Defaults to undefined (falsy).
  • Iconv object Defaults to iconv-lite
  • keepCidLinks boolean simpleParser-only option. Sets skipImageLinks to true.

Event ‘headers’

The parser emits ‘headers’ once message headers have been processed. The headers object is a Map. Different header keys have different kind of values, for example address headers have the address object/array as the value while subject value is string.

Header keys in the Map are lowercase.

parser.on('headers', headers => {

Event ‘data’

Event ‘data’ or ‘readable’ emits message content objects. The type of the object can be determine by the type property. Currently there are two kind of data objects

  • ‘attachment’ indicates that this object is an attachment
  • ‘text’ indicates that this object includes the html and text parts of the message. This object is emitted once and it includes both values

attachment object

Attachment object is the same as in simpleParser except that content is not a buffer but a stream. Additionally there’s a method release() that must be called once you have processed the attachment. The property related is set after message processing is ended, so at the data event this value is not yet available.

parser.on('data', data => {
    if (data.type === 'attachment') {
        data.content.on('end', () => data.release());

If you do not call release() then the message processing is paused.

text object

Text object has the following keys:

  • text includes the plaintext version of the message. Is set if the message has at least one ‘text/plain’ node
  • html includes the HTML version of the message. Is set if the message has at least one ‘text/html’ node
  • textAsHtml includes the plaintext version of the message in HTML format. Is set if the message has at least one ‘text/plain’ node.
parser.on('data', data => {
    if (data.type === 'text') {


Charset decoding is handled using iconv-lite, except for ISO-2022-JP and EUCJP that are handled by encoding-japanese. Alternatively you can use node-iconv module instead for all charset decoding. This module is not included in the mailparser package, you would have to provide it to Mailparser or simpleParser as a configuration option.

const Iconv = require('iconv').Iconv;
const MailParser = require('mailparser').MailParser;
let parser = new MailParser({ Iconv });


const Iconv = require('iconv').Iconv;
const simpleParser = require('mailparser').simpleParser;
simpleParser('rfc822 message', { Iconv }, callback);


Dual licensed under MIT or EUPLv1.1+