
Sendmail Transport pipes the generated RFC822 message to the standard input of the sendmail command, so it’s the same thing what the mail() command in PHP does.

To use Sendmail Transport, set sendmail option to true in Nodemailer options.

The additional options to use with this transport are the following:

  • path - path to the sendmail command (defaults to 'sendmail')
  • newline - either ‘windows’ or ‘unix’ (default). Forces all newlines in the output to either use Windows syntax <CR><LF> or Unix syntax <LF>
  • args - an optional array of command line options to pass to the sendmail command (ie. ["-f", ""]). This overrides all default arguments except for ‘-i’ and recipient list so you need to make sure you have all required arguments set (ie. the ‘-f’ flag).

The command to be spawned by default looks like this:

sendmail -i -f from_addr to_addr[]

If args property was provided then the command looks like this:

sendmail -i args[] to_addr[]

The info argument for sendMail() method includes the following properties:

  • envelope – is an envelope object {from:'address', to:['address']}
  • messageId – is the Message-ID header value


1. Send message using specific binary

let transporter = nodemailer.createTransport({
    sendmail: true,
    newline: 'unix',
    path: '/usr/sbin/sendmail'
    from: '',
    to: '',
    subject: 'Message',
    text: 'I hope this message gets delivered!'
}, (err, info)=>{